In this article we will show you how to create an account from a Company Portal.
To create an account you must click on the New User? Create an account button (Fig. 1), which is located at the top right of the page.
Fig. 1 - Click on the Create an Account button.

By clicking on the New User? Create an account button, you must complete the required fields with the information requested and click on Create Account (Fig. 2).
Fig. 2 - Registry Form.

After creating the account, the following message will appear (Fig. 3) to inform you that you will receive an activation email in your personal email.
Fig. 3 - Account Activation Notification.

In Fig. 4, an example of the message that will come to your email is shown. You must click on Activate Account, to validate the email.
Fig. 4 - Example of verification email.

The first time you log in with your username and password, it shows you a welcome message, where you are reminded to fill in your CV information to be able to postulate for any job offer.
Click on the Understood button, to not show the message again or click on the Skip button (Fig. 5).
Fig. 5 - Welcome message.

We hope that this article will help you.
In this article we will show you how to reset your password.
To reset your password, you must enter the portal, where you must click on Forgot your Password? to reset it (Fig. 1).
Fig. 1 - Click on Forgot your Password?

Then it will request your email, where you must enter it, and click on Reset Password (Fig. 2), so that we send you an email where you can reset the password.
Fig. 2 - Reset password.

Finally, a message will be displayed (Fig. 3) indicating that your password has been reset.
Fig. 3 - Password Restored.

We hope that this article will help you.
In this article we will show you how to log in from a Company Portal.
To access your account, you must click on the Enter button (Fig. 1). You can also log in through Facebook account.
Fig. 1 - Click in the Enter button.

Once you enter, you can postulate to all available job offers.
We hope that this article will help you.
In this article we will show you how to edit your CV.
To edit your CV, you must enter my CV and click on My Profile. (Fig. 1).
If you enter the portal for the first time, you will find your CV empty, so you must follow the same steps detailed in this article.
Fig. 1 - CV Visualization.

To edit or add Personal Information of the CV (Fig. 1) you must click onEdit and the following content will appear (Fig. 2).
Fig. 2 - Personal Information.

In Profile Image strong>, you can upload a Photo for the presentation of the CV, and to finish the operation, you must click on Save.
To modify or add information of the Presentation, it must be in the pencil, which is to the side of the right of each field, (see Fig. 1) and is related to the related topic (Fig. 3). To finish the operation you must click on Save.
Fig. 3 - Presentation.

To modify or add information of the Experience, it must be in the pencil, which is to the side of the right of each field, (see Fig. 1) and is related to the related topic (Fig. 4). To finish the operation you must click on Save.
Fig. 4 - Experience.

To modify or add information of the Formation, it must be in the pencil, which is to the side of the right of each field, (see Fig. 1) and is related to the related topic (Fig. 5). To finish the operation you must click on Save.
Fig. 5 - Studies.

To modify or add information of the Works Tools, it must be in the pencil, which is to the side of the right of each field, (see Fig. 1) and is related to the related topic (Fig. 6).
You can also include the domain level of each tool (Blue Bar). To finish the operation you must click on Save.
Fig. 6 - Work Tools.

To modify or add information of the Language, it must be in the pencil, which is to the side of the right of each field, (see Fig. 1) and is related to the related topic (Fig. 7).
You can also include the domain level of each language. To finish the operation you must click on Save.
Fig. 7 - Languaje.

We hope that this article will help you.
In this article we will show you how to postulate for a Job Offer.
To postulate, you must enterJob Offers (1), located in the navigation bar (Fig. 1).
Fig. 1 - Job Offers.

Once you enter, you will see all the Job Offers of the company. There is the possibility of using filters (1) to look for a Job Offer (Fig. 2), this can be done through the following fields.
Fig. 2 - Search Job Offers Filter

To visualize the content of a Job Offer, you must click on the "name of the publication", and so you can see the detail of the vacancy, such as, for example: Risk Prevention (Fig. 3).
Fig. 3 - Specific Job Offer, example: Risk Prevention.

In Fig. 3 it has icons that will allow us to share the Job Offer through email, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin or Google, it is located on the upper right side of the page.
To postulate for a Job Offer you must click on the icon Postulate.
There are two icons in red to postulate, just use one of them to make the postulation effective (Fig. 2).
Once you postulate for a process, and if it has been set up with questions of interest for the company, you must answer them, and finally click on the Postulate button (Fig. 6).
Fig. 4 - Questions for the Postulation.

Your answers along with the data of your CV will be sent to the company owner of the process that you postulate.
We hope that this article will help you.